Help me please! Product landing page - NavBar Viewport

Hello!! I am a beginner here , and I am having problems with the navbar especially. I cannot figure out how to make it always at the top of the viewport.
I already set the navbar position on “fixed” , set the width 100% and set it at top “0” and left “0”.

Can you please give me some advice and feedback? I would appreciate it a lot.

Here’s the link to check my pen:

In css file
position: relative;

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Hello TouhidAlam…
I set the nav-bar on position “relative” now, but I still cannot pass the testing result.
It keeps saying this:

  1. The navbar should always be at the top of the viewport.
    #header or one of its children should be at the top of the viewport even after scrolling : expected 467.44000244140625 to be close to 0 +/- 15
    AssertionError: #header or one of its children should be at the top of the viewport even after scrolling : expected 467.44000244140625 to be close to 0 +/- 15

I do not really get it.

What do you mean? I don’t understand :frowning:

You were correct before.
You had kept position : fixed before , but you had mistakenly forgotten to remove position: relative. So that was overriding the position:fixed.
I forked your pen and made the necessary change :

Add bg-color
#header {
background-color: #ffcccc;
margin: 0px auto 10px auto;

Remove position

position: relative;

Edit margin
#introduction {
text-align: center;
margin-top: 150px;

also Edit Video player

Thank you so much questionreality

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thank you so much TouhidAlam