Hi everybody. I’m working on the “Build Markdown Preview” project and I have problems to import the marked libraries. I have included in the “index.html” file the script tags with the links. I have run the comand in VS Code to import marked. I have the “marked” folder in the “node_modules” folder and I have it in the “package.json” file as well. The VS Code terminal doesn’t show any problem, but in the browser I can’t see nothing and it shows an error message :"WARNING in ./src/components/About.jsx 52:18-24
export ‘default’ (imported as ‘marked’) was not found in ‘marked’ (possible exports: Lexer, Parser, Renderer, Slugger, TextRenderer, Tokenizer, defaults, getDefaults, lexer, marked, options, parse, parseInline, parser, setOptions, use, walkTokens)."
I paste the code I have so far in the “About.jsx” file.
" `import React, {Component} from “react”;
import marked from ‘marked’;
class MyMarkdown extends React.Component{
this.state = {
text:"# Cabecera 1"
render (){
return (
<textarea id="editor" value={this.props.text}/>
<div id="preview" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html:marked(this.props.text)}}></div>
const About = () => {
return (
Build a Markdown Previewer
export default About;
I would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.