Help Understanding Class functions

Am learning Javascript and trying to run some code to increase my understanding of using classes. Please find my code and comment on the last line for the assistance I need.

class MyApp {
  constructor(name) { = name

  getName() { return `${}` }

const me = new MyApp("Prosper");

console.log(me.getName); // function getName() {...}

const func = (callback) => console.log(me.callback());

func(me.getName); // Why not printing "Prosper" here?

But I expected since callback is a parameter and I passed me.getName as an argument which is a function that exists in the me object’s prototype when I called func, it would resolve to

const func = (getName) => console.log(me.getName())

Where is my logic wrong?

OHH!, so the callback in the parameter and the callback in me.callback are not referencing the same thing?

Not at all. There is no such thing as me.callback. You would have to define it in the class for it to exist in the me instance.

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Hahaha, I feel so dumb and so wise at the same time now. Thank you for taking the time to explain it to me. I truly appreciate it