Help w/HTML Project 3: Product Landing page: User Story #12

My code is here:

The instruction: User Story #12: When I click the #submit element, the email is submitted to a static page (use this mock URL:

The error: The #email input should have a name attribute : expected false to equal true
AssertionError: The #email input should have a name attribute : expected false to equal true

My code for that section:

   <form id="form" action="" method="post">
           placeholder="Enter your email address">

I have looked at dozens of similar posts and cannot get this test to pass. I have an action attribute on the form for the mock website. I have a name attribute for the form.

Can anyone point me in the right direction please?

It seems to be working now. You got it working?

Could be a weird bug but it’s fixed now and it passed that test.

Gremlins. It happens all the time in coding. Just whisper a quite “thanks, guys” to your screen and move on as if nothing happened.

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It still didn’t pass, but crazily, I refreshed the page and then it started working. :confused:

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