Help with building a grid

Hi, I’m trying to build a grid with 3 columns but I see the text in three different lines and not next to each other.
Can anyone tell me where is my mistake? Here is what I wrote:

<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">Project 1</div>
<div class="col-md-4">Project 2</div>
<div class="col-md-4">Project 3</div>

Thank you!

I can’t copy the html… here is a link to Codepen:

Something is wrong with your link to codepen.
Could you show us your code to see what you did and what would you like to do?

Could this help you?

   <table border="1">
          <th>Project 1</th>
          <th>Project 2</th>
          <th>Project 3</th>
          <td>Some project</td>
          <td>Some project</td>
          <td>Some project</td>
          <td>Some project</td>
          <td>Some project</td>
          <td>Some project</td>
          <td>Some project</td>
          <td>Some project</td>
          <td>Some project</td>

Yes, That helps! Thanks!!!

I fixed your code so it appears in the question.

What you want to do is use bootstrap (judging by the class names you are using).

Check that you are have loaded Bootstrap into the CSS panel for this to work.

Btw, tables are only for presenting tabular data. They are 100% not appropriate for layout. If you want to style something in columns, use CSS.

Thank you so so much JacksonBates!!! Thanks :slight_smile: