Hi there,
I am new to coding and I am having trouble getting divs to stack below eachother when the screen gets smaller.
my CSS:(found and altered from this forum)
.flexcontainer {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(38ch, 1fr)); /*expected rebrace here why and how???*/
grid-gap: 5px;
.flexitem {
background-color: transparent;
border-radius: 30px;
padding: 10px;
justify-content: flex-start;
text-align: center;
my html:
<div class="flexcontainer">
<div class="flexitem">
<div class="box box1"><h2>The last 4 Events we posted 4 you:<br>Maaslandchapter Ronde van Limburg<br>Open House @ H-D American Lifestyle<br>Rock And Ride portugal<br>Show & Shine @ RMC-Classics</h2></div>
<div class="flexitem">
<a href="BikerEvent&Rally2019/BikerEvent&Rally2019.html"><div class="button button3"><img src="BikerEvent&Rally2019/index/EuroBikers2019.png" width="100%" alt="eurobikers lifestyle magazine 2019 logo, biker event and rally 2019 logo"><br>Click here.</div></a>
<div class="fb-share-button" data-href="https://www.eurobikerslifestylemagazine.com" data-layout="button_count"> </div>
<div class="flexitem">
<div class="box box1"><h2>The next 3 Events expected:<br>14TH Harley day Assenede<br>D-Day Normandy <br>Experience day @ American Lifestyle</h2></div>
somehow it does not work can anyone please help me I am stuck on this part for ages now.
still have multiple issues like this I hope to solve after I solve this one first.
It seems to work, it goes from a 3 to 2 to 1, column layout. Do you not want the 2 column layout in between the 3 and 1?
I don’t understand this comment, can you explain it?
/*expected rebrace here why and how???*/
It’s a CSS grid but you are calling the classes .flexcontainer/.flexitem. You are also using justify-content: flex-start
, which is valid syntax and CSS Grid does understand it, but when using grid it should just be justify-content: start
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You don’t wanna use any css framework here?
Why would you need a framework?
Especially when just starting out, I’d say to always learn the basics first. Or you can do both, but don’t skip learning the CSS just because of some framework.
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Dreamweaver tells me there is something wrong “expected rebrace in this collum”
the comment is noted for self to figure out what is wrong here and why?
on a big screen, it does not spread out on the entire page.
it does, however, sit below one and other on small screens (my cache was not cleared so I think at least when I started the topic still a noob, yet Ill keep trying and learning)
Still not even sure what a framework is after I know how the basics work Ill start working on frameworks I guess.
maybe you have a good page that explains frameworks, else Ill google it when I finish with the basics.
I don’t use Dreamweaver, I know they updated it to be more like an actual editor but I would still not use it. I’d suggest using VS Code and using the Live Server extension.
Anyway, are you sure the message isn’t expected rbrace in this column
, if so, it may come from a lack of support for CSS grid by the code linter used to check for syntax errors.
As for the layout, it won’t fill the full with because of auto-fill
you can use auto-fit
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(38ch, 1fr));
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It works now thanks for the feedback