Help with Regex from the js algorithm and data structures from the freeCodeCamp curriculum

I’m doing the freeCodeCamp curriculum and I got stuck at the regex part, at task 22: Restrict Possible Usernames.

freeCodeCamp is saying that the regex /[a-z][a-z]+\d*/gi
doesn’t match for “JACK”, “Jo”, “Oceans11”, “RegexGuru” or “AB1”, and I don’t see why it shouldn’t match (also, says it does match)
Am I being dumb, or is the website broken?

Additionally, the task also asks that the regex matches for “Z97”, and I don’t see how I would accomplish this: the word needs to have two characters or more, it can’t start with a number, it can only have numbers at the end, if it is only 2 characters it can’t have numbers

Any Help would be highly appreciated! thank you

yes, I looked at some other topics on this forum that also asked for help on the same task. They linked to a post explaining the deal with the global flag. then after some thinking I managed to do it with /^[a-z](([a-z]+)|(\d\d))\d*$/i
a little frustrating because the regex section hasn’t gone over using parentheses yet, but I guess it’s fine
thank you