I can not get the seek and destroy challenge to work. This is my latest attempt. Can anyone tell me why I am getting an error of “TypeError: 2 is not a function”?
function destroyer(arr) {
// Remove all the values
var filtered;
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++ )
for (var j = 0; j < arr.length; j++)
if (arguments[i] === arr[j])
filtered = arr.filter(arguments[i]);
return arr;
arr.filter() expects a function to be passed as an argument :
arr.filter( function(itemInArray){ } )
the arguments[i] you passed is not a function but a number, if I remember well.
This is how filter() works :
// we want to remove number 2
var filtered = [1,2,3].filter(function filtering(item){
return item !== 2;
// (item !== 2) evaluates to true or false
// it is the same as doing :
if(item !==2) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
console.log(filtered); // [1,3]
The “filtering” function is invoked for each element in the array.The “item” parameter represents each element of the array.The “filtering” function must return true or false.If it returns true, the item is kept in the array, otherwise it is removed from the array.
I choose to name the function “filtering”, but it could have no name of course.You can replace “item” with another name as well.