But I guess it is too big b/c I am getting the following error message: Only a max of 250 modules is allowed in a sandbox. I had been able to import another project (which I thought was of similar size but maybe not…??) successfully.
My question is:
1 - Does anyone know if there is any way to reduce the modules before importing…?? Other than trying to reduce size of project. (This might be a bizarre qn but thought I’d ask).
2 - What do people use as an alternative to CodeSandBox? Important for me: must be able to import from GitHub directly!!
Thanks @jenovs! That worked! My project is now available on CodeSandBox again.
I do have some questions (in bold below) as I had to wing it a little depending on what I found on Google about the steps involved:
Since I already pushed files that I now want to ignore, I have to:
Stop tracking these folders by using these commands: (Source) git rm -r --cached node_modules
As far as untracking build, it is IN the node-modules folder so I think that is taken care of. Is that right?
Edit .gitignore file depending on what files we want to ignore (source). According to that document, I had to add the following line to .gitignore file: node_modules/ But I noticed you had it the other way: /node_modules. Any ideas on why these differ?
Stage changes: git add .gitignore
Commit changes (which includes all the deletes from node-modules folder): git commit -m "Start ignoring node-modules folder"
If the pattern ends with a slash, it is removed for the purpose of the following description, but it would only find a match with a directory.
A leading slash matches the beginning of the pathname.
I understand it as:
node_modules/ will specifically match node_modules folder.
/node_modules will match any folder whose path starts with node_modules (basically everything in that folder).
In both cases the result is same. I use the second format because it’s whats used in create-react-app .gitignore file (just for the sake of consistency).