How can i retrieve my old solutions?


I have done 300+ challenges (old curriculum ), but it is been nearly a year that i didn’t login to FCC, i can see i have completed my old challenges but i can’t see my solutions or at least download them. i only see them completed in my public profile.

How can i retrieve my old solutions?

I don’t think you can. I believe FCC stored the solutions on local storage, and only kept a link to working projects or code for the javascript algorithms projects.

But solutions for challenges is a essential part in FCC for revision/improvements process !

The issue is space. There are many sites/services that will let you store your data for free, such as GitHub. Listen, I came back to FCC after a few months myself. The Beta had expired. I redid pretty much the entire curriculum despite having saved copies of my earlier code. The challenges flew by, and my new solutions to the more challenging algorithm problems were far superior. I understand what you mean about tracking growth, but to know whether data has changed, you have to save the data first.

It’s really disappointing having done all these challenges to show now for nothing. They should have given us opportunity to download them then delete them.

I just solved a challenge, i rechecked the solution, it wasn’t saved.

After you run the tests, a modal window pops up. Before you press the top button to submit, you can press the bottom button to download a .json file containing your solution.

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You can totally always just copy and paste them somewhere too. Your favorite code editor, Codepen, Github, etc. That’s what I’ve been doing for a while now, any bit of code I find worthwhile to keep I’ll either plop into Sublimetext or my virtual notes with Evernote.

Also, it’s a great way to develop the skill of backing things up. You never want to rely on one site or system to store your code. Always have backups just in case something gets deleted or changed, you’ll have a spare copy. Or several copies for that matter.

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Yeah, I’ve just been keeping them locally in a file system that matches the hierarchy of the curriculum.

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