Here is my code
As you can see that container is centered horizontally , but how do i center it vertically ??
Also i want my container to take as much space as the content . How can i achieve that ?
Here is my code
.As you can see that container is centered horizontally , but how do i center it vertically ??
Also i want my container to take as much space as the content . How can i achieve that ?
The class to center vertically is my-auto
(where “my” stands for “margin-y”, not the pronoun). As for “shrink-wrapping” the container, I’m not certain how to do that. Bootstrap grids in general are made for filling the entire width of the parent element.
Well i did this at line 15
<Container className = "my-auto">
, but it does not work.
The my-auto
class is for centering the content of a row within a container, not the container itself. For that you use plain non-bootstrap CSS.
I do find vertical centering to be really fiddly though, it always takes me a lot of trial and error to find the right CSS incantations to get it right.