How do I report an error in the lessons to FreeCodeCamp?

There’s a mistake in the lesson on using css variables to change several elements at once:

If you follow the instructions exactly, it asks you to change the value of the same variable --penguin-skin thrice, from gray to white to orange. Doing that will cause your code to be rejected time after time after time.

Finally, I found out what they expect us to do:

  • change penguin-skin to gray
  • change penguin-belly to white
  • change penguin-beak to orange.

The instructions, however, tell us to:

  • change penguin-skin to gray
  • change penguin-skin to white
  • change penguin-skin to orange

I tried finding a “report an error” button or sending an email, but couldn’t find both. So, I thought I’d post here and wait.

Edit: Screenshot Uploaded (also see link:

The initial given code is:

.penguin {
  /* change code below */
    --penguin-skin: black;
    --penguin-belly: gray;
    --penguin-beak: yellow;
    /* change code above */

and the request is “In the penguin class, change the black value to gray, the gray value to white, and the yellow value to orange.”

Where is the error?

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Sorry. Now i see it. Its not that you can’t pass the challenge its the tests explanations wrong:
"penguin class should declar the --penguin-skin variable and assign it to gray.
penguin class should declar the --penguin-skin variable and assign it to white.
penguin class should declar the --penguin-skin variable and assign it to orange.
I imagine Its just a copy paste error.

think you should report the issue on the project github page.