How do you use the following?

$new_topic_id = mysqli_insert_id($conn);

I saw a video where the person just wrote the following without including any database:

$new_topic_id = mysql_insert_id();

but when I did it , i get an error, expecting 1 parameter instead of 0…

use the MySQL LAST_INSERT_ID function to get the last insert id that MySQL has been generated.

Example :  INSERT INTO tbl(description)
VALUES('record 1'),
      ('record 2'),
      ('record 3');


Suppose the AUTO_INCREMENT column has current value as 1 and you insert 3 rows into the table. 

When you use the LAST_INSERT_ID function to get the last insert id, you will get 2 instead of 4.

Sorry for the confusion here but I should include my whole code and the video that I am following: I do get an undefined $topics variable… it was working before:

include_once 'header.php';

if (!isset($_SESSION['u_uid'])) {
	header("Location: index.php?view_category=notlogin");
} else {
	include_once 'includes/dbh.php';
	$cid = $_GET['cid'];
	$logged = "  <a href='create_topic.php?cid=".$cid."'>Click here to create a topic</a>";

$sql = "SELECT id FROM categories WHERE id= '".$cid."' LIMIT 1";

$stmt = mysqli_stmt_init($conn);

	if (!mysqli_stmt_prepare($stmt, $sql)) {
	   echo 'SQL error';
	} else {
	  //  mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, "ii", $cid, $limit);
	    $result = mysqli_stmt_get_result($stmt);
	    $resultCheck = mysqli_num_rows($result);

	    if ($resultCheck ==1) {
            $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM topics WHERE category_id= '".$cid."' ORDER BY topic_reply_date DESC;";
            $stmt = mysqli_stmt_init($conn);

	if (!mysqli_stmt_prepare($stmt, $sql2)) {
	   echo 'SQL error';
	} else {
	    //mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, "i", $cid);
	    $result2 = mysqli_stmt_get_result($stmt);
	    $resultCheck2 = mysqli_num_rows($result2);

	    if ($resultCheck2 > 0) {
           $topics .= "<table width='100%' style='border-collapse: collapse:'>";
           $topics .= "<tr><td colspan='3'><a href='forum.php'>Return to Forum Index</a>".$logged."</td></tr>";
           $topics .= "<tr style='background-color: #dddddd:'><td>Topic Title</td>><td width='65' align='center'>Replies</td><td width='65' align='center'>Views</td></tr>";
           $topics .= "<tr><td colspan='3'><hr></td></tr>";

           while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result2)) {
              $tid = $row['id'];
              $title = $row['topic_title'];
              $views = $row['topic_views'];
              $date = $row['topic_date'];
              $creator = $row['topic_creator'];
              $topics .= "<tr><td><a href='view_topic.php?cid=".$cid."&tid=".$tid."'>".$title."</a><br /><span class='post_info'>Posted by: ".$creator." on ".$date."</span></td><td align='center'>0</td><td align='center'>".$views."</td></tr>";
              $topics .= "<tr><td colspan='3'><hr /></td></tr>";
           $topics .= "</table>";
	    } else {
	    	echo "<a href='header.php'>Return to the Forum page</a>";
	    	echo "<p> There are no topics in this Category yet.".$logged."</p>";
	    }else {
	    	echo "<a href='header.php'>Return to the Forum page</a>";
	    	echo "<p> You are trying to view a catebory that does not exists yet.</p>";


I have been tryng to follow this tutorial:

I know where is the problem… It is in this line:

$sql2 = “SELECT * FROM topics WHERE category_id= '”.$cid."’ ORDER BY topic_reply_date DESC;";

when I changed it to:

$sql2 = “SELECT * FROM topics WHERE category_id= 6 ORDER BY topic_reply_date DESC;”;

Did I concatenate that wrong?

Never mind…

I still have an error undefined $topics

I am just wondering and I guess that you can’t… Can you use mysql functions with mysqli? For example: Is the code below only use for mysql or mysqli? I am just not sure if the if statement makes sense?

$result = mysql_query..... 
if (($result) && ($result2) && ($result3)) {
                      header("Location: view_topic.php?id=".$cid."&tid=".$new_topic_id);
                    } else {
					   echo 'There was a problem';

Sorry for the confusion again but I am trying to get this code to work with prepared statement and I got sql error:

include_once 'header.php';

if (!isset($_SESSION['u_uid'])) {
	header("Location: index.php?view_category=notlogin");
} else {
	include_once 'includes/dbh.php';
	$cid = $_GET['cid'];
	$logged = "  <a href='create_topic.php?cid=".$cid."'>Click here to create a topic</a>";

$limit = 1;

$sql = "SELECT id FROM categories WHERE id= ? LIMIT =?";

$stmt = mysqli_stmt_init($conn);

	if (!mysqli_stmt_prepare($stmt, $sql)) {
	   echo 'SQL error';
	} else {
	    mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, "ii", $cid, $limit);
	    $result = mysqli_stmt_get_result($stmt);
	    $resultCheck = mysqli_num_rows($result);

	    if ($resultCheck ==1) {
            $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM topics WHERE category_id= ? ORDER BY topic_reply_date DESC;";
            $stmt = mysqli_stmt_init($conn);

	if (!mysqli_stmt_prepare($stmt, $sql2)) {
	   echo 'SQL error';
	} else {
	    mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, "i", $cid);
	    $result2 = mysqli_stmt_get_result($stmt);
	    $resultCheck2 = mysqli_num_rows($result2);

	    if ($resultCheck2 > 0) {
           $topics .= "<table width='100%' style='border-collapse: collapse:'>";
           $topics .= "<tr><td colspan='3'><a href='forum.php'>Return to Forum Index</a>".$logged."</td></tr>";
           $topics .= "<tr style='background-color: #dddddd:'><td>Topic Title</td>><td width='65' align='center'>Replies</td><td width='65' align='center'>Views</td></tr>";
           $topics .= "<tr><td colspan='3'><hr></td></tr>";

           while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result2)) {
              $tid = $row['id'];
              $title = $row['topic_title'];
              $views = $row['topic_views'];
              $date = $row['topic_date'];
              $creator = $row['topic_creator'];
              $topics .= "<tr><td><a href='view_topic.php?cid=".$cid."&tid=".$tid."'>".$title."</a><br /><span class='post_info'>Posted by: ".$creator." on ".$date."</span></td><td align='center'>0</td><td align='center'>".$views."</td></tr>";
              $topics .= "<tr><td colspan='3'><hr /></td></tr>";
           $topics .= "</table>";
           echo $topics;
	    } else {
	    	echo "<a href='header.php'>Return to the Forum page</a>";
	    	echo "<p> There are no topics in this Category yet.".$logged."</p>";
	    }else {
	    	echo "<a href='header.php'>Return to the Forum page</a>";
	    	echo "<p> You are trying to view a catebory that does not exists yet.</p>";

I got it to work now by doing the following query:

$sql = “SELECT id FROM categories WHERE id= ? LIMIT ?”;

I don’t think you need an = sign but I am now getting the following error:

Here is my code:

include_once 'header.php';

if (!isset($_SESSION['u_uid'])) {
	header("Location: index.php?view_category=notlogin");
} else {
	include_once 'includes/dbh.php';
	$cid = $_GET['cid'];
	$logged = "  <a href='create_topic.php?cid=".$cid."'>Click here to create a topic</a>";

$limit = 1;

$sql = "SELECT id FROM categories WHERE id= ? LIMIT ?";

$stmt = mysqli_stmt_init($conn);

	if (!mysqli_stmt_prepare($stmt, $sql)) {
	   echo 'SQL error';
	} else {
	    mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, "ii", $cid, $limit);
	    $result = mysqli_stmt_get_result($stmt);
	    $resultCheck = mysqli_num_rows($result);

	    if ($resultCheck ==1) {
            $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM topics WHERE category_id= ? ORDER BY topic_reply_date DESC;";
            $stmt = mysqli_stmt_init($conn);

	if (!mysqli_stmt_prepare($stmt, $sql2)) {
	   echo 'SQL error';
	} else {
	    mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, "i", $cid);
	    $result2 = mysqli_stmt_get_result($stmt);
	    $resultCheck2 = mysqli_num_rows($result2);

	    if ($resultCheck2 > 0) {
           $topics .= "<table width='100%' style='border-collapse: collapse:'>";
           $topics .= "<tr><td colspan='3'><a href='forum.php'>Return to Forum Index</a>".$logged."</td></tr>";
           $topics .= "<tr style='background-color: #dddddd:'><td>Topic Title</td>><td width='65' align='center'>Replies</td><td width='65' align='center'>Views</td></tr>";
           $topics .= "<tr><td colspan='3'><hr></td></tr>";

           while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result2)) {
              $tid = $row['id'];
              $title = $row['topic_title'];
              $views = $row['topic_views'];
              $date = $row['topic_date'];
              $creator = $row['topic_creator'];
              $topics .= "<tr><td><a href='view_topic.php?cid=".$cid."&tid=".$tid."'>".$title."</a><br /><span class='post_info'>Posted by: ".$creator." on ".$date."</span></td><td align='center'>0</td><td align='center'>".$views."</td></tr>";
              $topics .= "<tr><td colspan='3'><hr /></td></tr>";
           $topics .= "</table>";
           echo $topics;
	    } else {
	    	echo "<a href='header.php'>Return to the Forum page</a>";
	    	echo "<p> There are no topics in this Category yet.".$logged."</p>";
	    }else {
	    	echo "<a href='header.php'>Return to the Forum page</a>";
	    	echo "<p> You are trying to view a catebory that does not exists yet.</p>";

Silly me… I look at all the youtube comments and I have to put $topics=""; at the top… It is working now!