How models and schema works?

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Hi there , I’m trying to pass this test lately but I couldn’t understand the concept of models and schemas I visited the hint link and I have few question about the solution

const mongoose = require('mongoose');

/** 2) Create a 'Person' Model */
var personSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  name: String,
  age: Number,
  favoriteFoods: [String]

/** 3) Create and Save a Person */
var Person = mongoose.model('Person', personSchema);

var createAndSavePerson = function(done) {
  var janeFonda = new Person({name: "Jane Fonda", age: 84, favoriteFoods: ["eggs", "fish", "fresh fruit"]});, data) {
    if (err) return console.error(err);
    done(null, data)

  1. What does this line do exactly
    var Person = mongoose.model('Person', personSchema);
  2. Whats the diffrence beween Schema and Model ?
  3. Why we wrote the word Person in capital letter ?
  4. What the word “done” in function(done) do ?
  5. what’s the exact job of the last line done(null, data) ?
  6. Finely Im getting this message in the consol after trying to run my code :

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Challenge: Create and Save a Record of a Model

Link to the challenge:

First off I’d suggest checking out the documentation which explains about both Schemas and Models.

THANKS but still don’t have answers for my question
why there is a model and schema if they are just a duplication of each other thats drives me to the second question which is the job of this line
var Person = mongoose.model('Person', personSchema);
and ofcourse the rest

  1. What the word “done” in function(done) do ?
  2. what’s the exact job of the last line done(null, data) ?
  3. Finely Im getting this message in the consol after trying to run my code

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