Since you guys were so amazing at giving me advice earlier today, I have one more question, which is hopefully a bit more simple.
Okay, so I have read w3schools’ tutorial on how to make a dynamic HTML table that can show selected JSON data, using a dropdown menu. What I want to do is similar, but a bit different.
This is the tutorial I am talking about:
Okay, so I made a JSON file that contains a train number, a destination and a departure time. I succesfully managed to fetch this data and getting it to show on my page using a button.
('click', getTrains);
function getTrains(){
.then((res) => res.json())
.then((data) => {
let output = '<h2>Trains</h2>';
output += `
<li>train: ${trains.train}</li>
<li>direction: ${trains.direction}</li>
<li>departure: ${trains.departure}</li>
document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = output;
Okay, so in my html I made a dropdown with a list of station names
<select id="myselect">
<option value="">pick station:</option>
<option value="#">Station 1</option>
<option value="#">Station 2</option>
<option value="#">Station 3</option>
<option value="#">Station 4</option>
<option value="#">Station 5</option>
<option value="#">Station 6</option>
Here is what I want to do: I want to be able to click on ‘Station 1’, which will then open up a pop-up window that contains the JSON data.
Any idea how I can make this work? I can’t give each option value an ID, so I am not sure what to do, Also the w3schools tutorial only showed how to make tables appear on the same page. What I want is a pop-up page, where I can style the output.
Each station will of course have a different set of departure times. Do I need to make a new JSON file for each station, or is there a way to seperate the data inside one JSON file?
I hope I made it clear enough =)