I am having a difficult time trying to complete the first lesson, Install and Set up MongoDB and Mongoose in freeCodeCamp.
I followed from a YouTube video example, Useful Programmer who showed me how to sign up for MongoDB Atlas and connect the cluster (or database) to Repl.it.
I am able to pass the two freeCodeCamp requirements of having the mongodb & mongoose in the dependencies in the Repl.it package.json file.
But I do not know how to get the “mongoose” connected to a database. I am so close to complete this first hurdle.
What and why am I not able to connect my mongoose to the database?
No, still not able to connect mongoose to database for some reason. I followed from other YouTube video examples & I still don’t know why I can’t pass. Thank you for replying.
I did create an .env file & put in the same code with the proper syntax. I deleted the sample.env file since I did not need it. I still don’t know why it will not accept my Replit url code. I am still working on it. Thank you for responding.