hi am trying to create a divider with a circle such that it align side by side with the degree name by using a simple HTML and CSS approach
however, I got the result the way I want but am not sure if this is the correct way as this is also not responsive.
Please see the image below, which I have designed using Adobe Xd, and this is the end result am trying to create.
Please see my trail result and the source code below:
react JSX code
<Box className="education-section">
<Box className="education-divider">
<Divider orientation="vertical" />
<Box className="education-details">
<div className="circle"> </div>
<div className="not-circle">
<p className="education-degree">masters</p>
<p className="education-year"> 2017/2019</p>
<p className="education-location">Dublin business school</p>
<div className="circle"> </div>
<div className="not-circle">
<p className="education-degree">masters</p>
<p className="education-year"> 2017/2019</p>
<p className="education-location">Dublin business school</p>
<div className="circle"> </div>
<div className="not-circle">
<p className="education-degree">masters</p>
<p className="education-year"> 2017/2019</p>
<p className="education-location">Dublin business school</p>
CSS code
.circle {
width: 17px;
height: 17px;
background-color: rgb(255, 0, 0);
border-radius: 50%;
z-index: -2;
margin-left: -16%;
.not-circle {
margin-top: -30px;
margin-left: 1.5vw;
codesand box link for source code click to see source code and demo