How to find information needed to solve exercises

Hi, I am really grateful for this program but I feel very frustrated because I don’t know how to find answers. For example, I just finished the Javascript exercise “Use the filter Method to Extract Data from an Array” and could not figure out the proper syntax for the map method. Of course I can just look at the answer, but I feel like that’s not the point. There’s no lesson that teaches how to map multiple key value pairs from an object!

I have searched in this forum and on the internet generally about which resources people use and people refer to other programs, so I took a look at some of them, but they didn’t have the proper syntax either.

So, my question is, how are people finding the answers to these things? Is there a book I should get to use along with this program? I know that learning to find the answers on my own is part of what this program teaches, but it just feels beyond frustrating. Thank you to anyone who can provide any insight!

For official command syntax stuff, I usually look for Mozillas manual on Javascript:

It’s usually one of the first links of a google search. For problems I can’t figure out, like how to best calculate something, StackOverflow is usually also at the top of a google search. Learning how to research and find answers is an important skill to develope.

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Map doesn’t do anything with objects. Map works on arrays. There’s a lesson on map. Every map works the same way.

In the challenge you are talking about, you use map for an array of objects. Map works the same on an array of objects as it does an array of numbers or an array of strings.

Accessing object properties and making new objects was covered in previous lessons.

You need to combine the information from the lesson on how to use map and the lessons on objects to create the outcome you need.

There are so many different pieces of JavaScript that we can’t do a separate lesson on every single pair of concepts. The lessons intentionally move from repetition of syntax to asking you to combine knowledge from previous lessons to accomplish more complex and realistic tasks.

You should be able to reference anything you need strictly from previous challenges in the Basic JavaScript curriculum. There may exist other ways to accomplish the more complex Challenges using things not yet covered, but previous lessons do contain what you need.

If you get stuck, you can always ask for help. Coding is a team sport. It’s ok to forget stuff from previous challenges.

Thank you for your kind response! I had actuallly visited that link several times and got discouraged because I couldn’t really see where the answer might be and so didn’t read the whole page. I went back and checked and sure enough, there it was! I learned an important lesson. Thanks so much!

Hi, thank you for your answer! Actually, this is the point that was frustrating to me. I don’t think it was covered! I know they talked about the .map function, but they didn’t discuss this particular syntax and because I didn’t know what this syntax was called, I had no real way to search for it. Even the FCC articles that are about the relevant function don’t necessarily talk about what you need to know to complete the exercise, so I just felt very lost.

I realize that this is a free resource and I’m very grateful for it, but I just felt frustrated because I didn’t know how to find answers. Anyway, thank you for your encouragement! I’ll keep your words in mind.

Yeah, all the information you need is there, it’s just not possible or helpful for us to tell you how to combine every two ideas about JavaScript.

But ask questions when you get stuck and we can help you combine the information you’ve been shown to get where you need to go.

How to use map:

How to get properties in an object:

How to create an object:

There isn’t anything special about using map on an array of objects compared to an array of anything else. The map works the same way.

Yeah, when something finally clicks, you’re left to wonder how you never saw it before. The lessons give you the tools, but its up to your mind to finally make it click :slight_smile: Glad you figured it out.

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