How to Implement multiple user Login for my school management system?

I am making a school managment system where student can login,teacher can login,admin and so on can login. Student has some unique information and student must be login using their admission id (10 digit unique) numbers.Using Email address is not possible, because in rural area people never used email. so student or teacher can login using email or any unique id.But we will keep both option, they can use anything they want. admission id or eamil.

How can I make it convinient way? How to implement login procedure for such way ? Should I keep login credential in laravel defualt user table? Where should I keep login credential in database? and laravel has only one way to check login credential using email. I need another option. Only admin can make user from admin panel.Student/Teacher never can make their own sign up form. only admin can do that . Please suggest me the convinient way to make it secure and smooth. Thank you.

I have created separate model for Student/Teacher to keep their information.

Not sure about Laravel way of doing things, in passport you could do this , the general idea is to compare either of the ways you want to match your db