HTML/CSS Quiz step 52


So after trying to complete this and getting it wrong, then looking at the hint provided, I figured out how to pass. My question is…with the given wording of the instructions and the given code, how would I know to actually input the margin to 0? the margin wasnt there to be replaced by anything, so without failing and looking at the hint provided, how am I supposed to know what code I am supposed to be inputing? This is not supposed to sound like a complaint out of frustration, more like a complaint to get the wording of the instructions a bit more clear…if i was reading what im supposed to do, and making a point to not look at a hint why im failing, what part of that instruction hints that by “replace the top margin” actually means “input a margin of 0”

Browsers will add a default top margin to heading elements. If you look at the h2 elements with the inspector before you remove the top margin you will see that there is a top margin.

But I do agree, the instructions could be clearer. Something like "Replace the default top margin on the h2 elements by setting it to 0 and add a top padding of 60px.


It wont let you pass the step without it…

I hear what you’re saying though.


Yes, I wasn’t disputing that. I was just explaining why you have to zero it out.

Please post your actual code instead of a screenshot. Also, please post the link to the Step. Thanks

Hey there, so Im actually past this step, but i was just trying to make it known that the instructions on the step were unclear WITHOUT looking at the hints.

This is what the curriculum is looking for:
h2 {
border-bottom: 4px solid #dfdfe2;
margin-top: 0;
padding-top: 60px;

This is what I inferred the instructions to mean:

h2 {
border-bottom: 4px solid #dfdfe2;
padding-top: 60px;

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