Hi, would you help me to find an error on my code?
I was reviewing my code with FCC solution and applied its CSS to mine. However, it seems the input boxes (blue arrows) are different sizes. I’d like to make them the same sizes.
I understand the class “form-control” has its style and I apply them also on the dropdown list and the same width size of the text-area and submit button.
Dropdown list has “form-control” class and there are no other override CSS styles, but the CSS style seems a bit off from “form-control” class like height and width.
Text-area and Submit Button’s width are set to 100% like others, but different width -.-;
Here is my CodePen URL and below is the screenshot:
I did it from the scratch and I submitted that one before… And then I wanted to learn more, so follow the FCC solution. CodePen didn’t show the changes over time like GitHub, so it looked like I just simply copied. I think that I would better to do it at a new CodePen…
The details view shows when the pen was created and when it was last updated.
Just so you know, this pen is your submitted project. If someone were to look at your projects now it will look like you have copied the sample project.
You should start another pen to play with.
Side note, the FCC samples are just that, samples. Not solutions. They just show one way the project can be completed.