HTML Step 56, stuck

The lesson reads:

There’s another way to associate an input element’s text with the element itself. You can nest the text within a label element and add a for attribute with the same value as the input element’s id attribute.

Associate the text Loving with the checkbox by nesting only the text Loving in a label element and giving it an appropriate for attribute.

Starting code: Loving
My answer: Loving

Now I’ve also tried a few other answers. Moving things around. That one is the one I consider the correct one. I’ve tried looking this up and having GPT check my work as well. It confirms this is correct and will work. Can someone assist is letting me know where I’m going wrong?

can you send your code?

Yeah, was having trouble doing that. Here are screenshots.
Starting point:
Screenshot from 2023-09-07 05-47-48

Sorry, trying to post more at a time. However there are restrictions on how many pics you can post and how many posts you can make.

Here is my answer:
Screenshot from 2023-09-07 05-48-02

I got it, thanks. Needed to move the left portion of label next to the text Loving.