I am stuck here , please help


stuck here, (The a tag should have an href attribute set to “#footer”.)

Can you be more specific? Look at other questions asked as this one has been asked alot lately too.

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The a tag should have an href attribute set to “#footer”.

<a href=#footer"http://freecatphotoapp.com">Jump to Bottom

what could be wrong?

remove the “http://freecatphotoapp.com” part
and put the #footer in quotes like “#footer

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thanks alot it worked. i am a beginner so i am finding it hard . taking it step by step

Take your time and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE get stuck.

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its just confusing , its getting harder with each exercise.

thank you Michael much appreciated

i didn’t add it . it was already there from the previous exercise

The link was brought from the previous lesson. The instructions are to change that link to the #footer. He missed the change the link part.

Its a mistake that he didn’t read the instructions carefully enough, but I think he may have messed up on what it meant by link.

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It may look like it’s getting harder, but it’s not.

Getting harder means you are learning something new.

It’s somehow like riding a bicycle, you may fail the first times, but you will surely master it.

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I feel you. I’m doing the 5 projects of that same module but I kinda stopped because I’m doing bad so I went back to some challenges a lot of challenges to RE-DO. Also, please mark the awnser.

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i have done that. Re Do is what i will do as well until i truly get it

Why not? Why not just mark it, it’s just better for people that might be looking for the same issue.

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its marked now. you can check it out