I cant find a job in coding looking for almost 2 years

since december ive probably tried changing my resume 10 times and no bites still. I am literally using chat gpt for professional cover letters and resumes and still nothing. not sure what to do once again i will say it oversaturated and a bad time. When I cant even get into free internships begging companies to work for free and they respond no thanks that should tell you the sentiment of the workforce…

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see like i can never do that. how in the world did you make that. whenever i try to make something from scratch i am sitting here for hours. i dont understand how i am the only one i feel like not being able to code games from scratch

well when im applying to alot of indeed i dont think its my resume i think its just a bad site with alot of scams. Im not sure where to go outside indeed. Ive tried linkedin but didnt get any hits either

and indeed averages i think 1000s per job so my own fault to keep doing the same thing. At this point i feel like most people in the industry have college connections lol

No, I don’t think this is correct. It isn’t saturated. And unless I’m completely missing something obvious, jobs aren’t generally being taken that way. That doesn’t work. What does seem to be happening right now is a worldwide economic downturn (not technically a recession in most places afaik, but sure feels like it when combined with cost of living increases). Which has seemed to make companies a lot more picky when hiring (and quick to carve chunks out of the workforce in some cases). So, anecdotal, but the jobs market does seem to have significantly shrunk in the past year, but this seems tightly tied to economic confidence (and is probably temporary). Companies want experience that they can trust if they are going to spend lots of money and effort at a point in time that confidence is low.

That you aren’t getting any hits: it’s impossible to tell why without seeing what you’re doing. The fact you’re autogenerating stuff smells slightly bad. That you autogenerated stuff massively overstating your experience is a. daft and b. suggests it wasn’t believed, which in turn suggests there’s something off with what you’re sending.

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I actually think there’s a lot of opportunity in coding, but the game has shifted a bit. It’s all about diversifying skills and staying current with industry trends. Networking is super crucial too. Yeah, the market’s tighter due to the economy, but there are jobs out there. :innocent:

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