I can't understand new arrow function sintax Async JS React combination

1.     import axios from 'axios';
2.     import {normalize} from 'normalizr';
3.     import actionTypes from '../../../config/action-types';
4.     import settings from '../../../config/settings';
5.     import {setNormalized} from '../../../utils/general';
6.     import {USER} from '../../../utils/normalize';
7.     import {tokenHeader} from '../../../utils/requestHeaders';

8.     export const editProfile = data => **async dispatch =**> {
9.         let formData = new FormData();
10.         if(data.image) formData.append('image', data.image);
11.         try {
12.             const response = await axios.patch(`${settings.API_ROOT}/profiles/${data.id}`, formData, tokenHeader());
13.             localStorage.setItem('activeUser', JSON.stringify(response.data));
14.             dispatch({
15.                 type: actionTypes[`LOGIN_SUCCESS`],
16.                 payload: response.data
17.             });
18.             const {entities} = normalize(response.data, USER);
19.             setNormalized(dispatch, entities);
20.             return entities;
21.         } catch(error) {
22.             throw error;
23.         }
24.     };

What line number 10 does exactly i can’t find any solution to this.
Full project is https://github.com/buckyroberts/Vataxia-Frontend opensource.

Using this answer the function should do async call lke python language does but


is from redux module

async () => {
// do something