I don't understand Form Validation

I’m slowly progressing in the Form Validation Javascript course and I’m pretty confident I know what the code is doing, but I don’t understand why the code is doing what it’s doing, or how it’s working. There is so much going on in this course and this is the first javascript segment that I’m just really having a hard time understanding. When I look at the code all I see is a sea of symbols and it’s difficult to interperet what is referencing what. I think the main issue is that it’s clearly going back and forth between HTML and my Javascript code and there’s so many connections that it’s hard to keep track of everything and recall what does what. Can someone tell me what the main takeaways of this are and what I should focus on more than others? I think it’s just too much to take in at once.

can you include a link to the project you’re talking about please?

This is the project about building a Calorie Counter.
I know what you are thinking because I experienced this issue going through every project. You are lost because you weren’t provided a plan or let in on the thought process as to why you are completing said step. You need to let things play out a bit before you can grasp the intended logic of steps and how they connect. Focus more on understanding what is happening in the small code snippets you are completing. As you progress, you can literally look at the big picture.
Also, the projects we complete with guidance and in steps are usually tiers above our competence level at that time. things gradually look a lot easier with experience and time.

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Thanks for the reply, I definitely agree, and usually I take the time to really absorb what is happening in each code snippet, but this one is just more difficult. I think it has to do with what you said about lack of explanation. All the projects up until this one have had pretty in depth explanations about why the code works or how it works, but this one lacks a lot of that clarification and is more-so just instructions you have to follow to build the project. I’m sure I’ll understand it later when I come back to this after finishing the course.

Sure, this link will take you to step 1

i see. My advice is to visit here or the discord server more often. You can ask questions as you go and get context-based answers.