I have 3/22 errors on the Pokemon project I'm stumped for. Anybody would be appreciated

This is the same thing Im testing:

The errors Im flagging are:
16 & 19, the sprite tests, they’re loading fine for me when I try them in the Preview window so Idk what they want from me.

And…#1, apparently my input element is lacking the id tag value that it has & that this entire thing would not be possible to use without.

Any input appreciated (…pun not intended)

are you setting the id to the image?

Part of the hint is

you should add an img element with the id of "sprite"

When you ask for help please share the link to the project

You have an html error such as:
line 7, attribute link is not valid on a link element. You need to change it to href

have you read the whole hint?

  1. You should have an input element with an id of "search-input" and is required .

There is a part bolded even

for the sprite, see my previous comment

s*** I read required & didn’t interpret it as the html attribute, but as like a general direction in english. TY