I have problem with CSS style when I do "flex-direction: row;"

Hello! everyone i have problem with CSS style when I do “flex-direction: row;” it is don’t change it is stay all the time column please some help me to fix it.

    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
    flex-direction: row;

![Capture d’écran 2022-01-30 215542|335x378](upload://dRSZr8l25jywmOW4goEERJoMlSm.png)

Hello @sayadoussamaseifeddi,

To answer your wondering, verify first that you wrote the class name correctly. You called it “continer” in CSS, verify if in the HTML you call this class using “continer” or maybe “container” or anything else.

After, know that these properties will work with blocks. So if there are inline tags and not block tags for example it will not work as you wish and you will encounter issues. You should share all your code because it is a little bit hard to identify where you should focus your efforts.

It’s not doing anything because flex-direction: row; is the default flex direction.
Maybe you want to use

    flex-direction: column;
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