I keep getting this error on the arithmetic rearrange FAIL: test_arrangement (test_module.UnitTests)r

I have fixed all other errors just one to go but couldn’t figure it out.
someone has already answered it but didn’t elaborate the solution: I keep getting a FAIL: test_arrangement (test_module.UnitTests)

replit: https://replit.com/@HamzaahSyed/boilerplate-arithmetic-formatter-2#main.py


      3      3801      45      123
  + 855    -    2    + 43    +  49
- -----    ------    ----    -----
?                                 -
+ -----    ------    ----    ------   858      3799      88      172 : Expected different output when calling 

It looks like you are outputting solutions when you should not be.

The function should optionally take a second argument. When the second argument is set to True , the answers should be displayed.

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