I need help please

Good day everyone :wave:t4: :wave:t4:

I’m writing write now mainly because I need an advice. I’ve learnt html/css for over 9 months in the year 2023 and I created a topic one time in October saying I was starting to learn js Time to learn JS along side another girl ( I can’t remember her name).

At first all was fine. I started with fcc and after I finished I moved on to use w3schools.com but I feel I got lazy along the way and then I stopped. Apart from being lazy, school and stuff came into the picture so after then

WHICH UNFORTUNATELY IS JUST ENDING :face_holding_back_tears:

Then, few months ago, I went to this department in my church where we were taught coding and stuff, we just resumed for the year. When I went there, we did a test to decide whether you met up to the requirements. I was fortunate to get a 5 out of 7 as I couldn’t remember everything I knew before. This is something I was so good at. :sob: :sob:

To cut the long story short, I have decided to return back to coding and to work harder this time because thats where my heart, passion is but I feel i’ll need to refresh my memory on html, css. I just don’t know what to use/do and how to combine school with coding because sometimes laziness gets the hang of me so any help, advice, contributions will be appreciated.
:pray:t4: :pray:t4: :pray:t4:

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I had an similar experience so from today I again started brushing up my notes and going through the study material after 6 months to get back what I had left . Good Luck :+1:

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As you’ve learned the hard way, coding can often be a “use it or lose it” skill. If you’re having trouble balancing your studying with other obligations, then you might not be setting realistic goals. Don’t tell yourself that you are going to study JavaScript for three hours a day (for example), because when you miss a few days you feel like you’ve already failed and you’re more likely to stop trying. This is like exercising, building a habit, or doing chores. You need to choose goals that are achievable and sustainable.

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