I need some help with this one. C++

Hello everyone!
I know not a lot of C++ coding goes on here, but I was wondering if anyone knows enough to help me with a school assignment. There were very few directions, and I need help writing an accessor function and getting class methods to access a ifstream text file.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include "memberType.h" 

using namespace std;

// This program displays the member's name the member's id and the total amount of the purchase and books.

void getMembersData(memberType members[], int& count);
void printMembersData(memberType members[], int count);

int main()
    memberType storeMembers[500];
    int numberOfMembers = 0;
    memberType test;

    cout << endl;

    getMembersData(storeMembers, numberOfMembers);
    printMembersData(storeMembers, numberOfMembers);


    return 0;

void getMembersData(memberType members[], int& count)
    int i;

    string ID;
    string fName;
    string lName;
    int bookCount;
    double amount;

    ifstream infile;


    infile >> count;

    for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
        infile >> ID >> fName >> lName >> bookCount >> amount;

members[i].setMemberInfo(ID, fName, lName, bookCount, amount);

void printMembersData(memberType members[], int count)
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < count; i++)

//implementation file
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "memberType.h"

using namespace std;

void memberType::setMemberInfo(string ID, string fName,string lName, int bPurchased,double amount)

  int i;
  int count;

    ifstream infile;


    infile >> count;

    for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
        infile >> ID >> fName >> lName >> bPurchased >> amount;

memberID = ID;
firstName = fName;
lastName = lName;
numBooks = 0;
purchaseAmt = 0;


//get member data from input file.....this needs to set the memberType object
    //Accessor Function for homework

void memberType::setMemberID(string ID)
    memberID = ID;

void memberType::setName(string fName, string lName)
    firstName = fName;
    lastName = lName;

bool memberType::isMemberID(string ID) const
    return (memberID == ID);

int memberType::getBooksPurchased() const
    return numBooks;

double memberType::getTotalAmountSpent() const
    return purchaseAmt;

void memberType::addNewPurchase(double amount)
        numBooks = amount + numBooks;
        purchaseAmt = amount + purchaseAmt;
        // This is be the addNewPurchase that wil accept the number of books
        // and the total amount in dollars
        // This method needs to add these values to the numBooks and 

void memberType::resetbooksBoughtAndAmount()
    numBooks = 0;
    purchaseAmt = 0;

void memberType::printMemberID() const
    cout << "Member ID: " << memberID << endl;

void memberType::printName() const
    cout << "Name: " << firstName << " " << lastName << endl;

void memberType::printInfo() const

    cout << "Member ID: " << memberID << endl;
    cout << "Name: " << firstName << " " << lastName << endl;
    cout << "Number of Books Bought: " << numBooks << endl;
    cout << "Total Amount Spent: " << purchaseAmt << endl;

memberType::memberType(string ID, string fName,string lName)

memberID = ID;
firstName = fName;
lastName = lName;
numBooks = 0;
purchaseAmt = 0;

     //This is the contructor part of the homework
    //Make sure it is ready to accept values from the input file


//header file
#pragma once
#pragma once

#include <string>
using namespace std;

class memberType
    void setMemberInfo(string ID, string fName, string lName,
        int bPurchased, double amount);
    void setMemberID(string);
    void setName(string, string);

    bool isMemberID(string) const;

    int getBooksPurchased() const;
    double getTotalAmountSpent() const;

    void addNewPurchase(double amount);

    void resetbooksBoughtAndAmount();

    void printMemberID() const;
    void printName() const;

    void printInfo() const;

    void getMembersData(memberType members[], int& count);

    memberType(string ID, string fName,string lName);


    string memberID;
    string firstName;
    string lastName;

    int numBooks;
    double purchaseAmt;
//text file
John Williams
Lisa Berry
Ron Brown
Jessey Smith

I know it is long but anything would be helpful.

What errors are you seeing? How is it not doing what you expect?

It would be much better if you broke these out into separate files and put them on github with a makefile so we didn’t have to do a bunch of extra work in order to help you.

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It is not showing anything, it seems like to can not access the text file

Sorry I will figure out how to do that next time.

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