If I want to build a site using google's material design language, what framework should I choose?

I am trying to build a frontend for my personal blog.
And I am planning to build it following google’s material design language.

I know that there is materialize CSS framwork out there.

But is it just me or site who built using materialize framwork looks not as good as those site who are built using custom CSS?

For example, does the tiles and the shadows looked better in the 1st site than the second?

I maybe biased or I am just confused.

  1. https://codepen.io/zhouxiang19910319/pen/WNvRbgB?editors=1100

  2. https://materializecss.com/getting-started.html

I find that using frameworks allows me to prototype my different applications much faster than having to write my own custom CSS. A framework will have many of their own style rules, but you have the ability to change styles on your webpage if you write custom CSS.

It’s important to remember that if you do decide to go with materializecss, you can also include your own custom styles. So if you like the way the shadows look in the codepen, by all means implement them in your own custom CSS and don’t use materializecss’s z-depth-n class.

Sometimes you may run into styling issues when trying to implement your own custom CSS against materializecss. I think this is something that you should explore and find what works best for your personal blog. Give it a look and feel that you enjoy the most.

Thanks for the advice. I will use the framwork and do a quick prototype then see which part I like or dislike.

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