I'm creating an online developer toolkit app, need help deciding which tools to implement

Tools implemented:

  • Javascript Minifier
  • JSON Minifier
  • JSON Formatter
  • Lorem Ipsum Generator
  • Placeholder Generator
  • Password Strength
  • Image to Base64
  • XML to JSON
  • JSON to XML
  • URL Parser


Which tools would be cool to add?

Hello and welcome!

This is already a pretty good and helpful toolbox.

You could add some CSS helpers, something developers often struggle with.
For example a color wheel that helps turn colors into their respective Hex/ RGB/ RGBA values and back.

Another one would be a calculator for responsive fonts with a preview, returning complete clamp() and/or calc() lines to copy and past right into your CSS.

You can find those already somewhere of course, but it would be convenient to have them as part of your toolbox.