Should i have !== -1 set to <=0 or is something else the issue? maybe the way i coded the indexOf part of it?
Your code so far
function diffArray(arr1, arr2) {
const newArr = [];
let a = arr1.concat(arr2)
for(let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if(arr1.indexOf(a[i]) && arr2.indexOf(arr[i]) !== -1 ) {
return newArr;
diffArray([1, 2, 3, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
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Challenge: Intermediate Algorithm Scripting - Diff Two Arrays
Link to the challenge:
What does this mean?
Each side of the && needs to be an independent statement.
arent arr1 and arr2 already defined since theyre used as arguments?
would i just want to return arr1 and arr2 before looping then? or do something like let a1 = arr1.slice() and same for arr2?
and arr2
are defined. a
and newArr
are defined. arr
is not.
You should really, really read this.
Ok i see it now haha
Thanks, totally missed it
if(arr1.indexOf(a[i]) === -1 && arr2.indexOf(a[i]) === -1 ) Ok so like this but with different equality operators right?
Right, you need two separate comparisons, but you need to make sure the comparisons are expressing the logic you need.
I thought === -1 is the same as saying if one of the iterations is not present in arr1/arr2
or setting it equal to < 0 to specify it as not in the array
Right, so this says "a[i]
is not in arr1
and a[i]
is not in arr2
Is that what you want?
No because it has to be in one but not the other so i can identify the missing element and solve it
Right, so you probably need a different logical combination of those two conditions.
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