Intermediate Algorithm Scripting - Diff Two Arrays

Why does this solution have two functions? Why not just fit it all into the first one?

Your code so far

function diffArray(arr1, arr2) {
  const newArr = [];

  function onlyInFirst(first, second) {
    // Looping through an array to find elements that don't exist in another array
    for (let i = 0; i < first.length; i++) {
      if (second.indexOf(first[i]) === -1) {
        // Pushing the elements unique to first to newArr

  onlyInFirst(arr1, arr2);
  onlyInFirst(arr2, arr1);

  return newArr;

console.log(diffArray(["diorite", "andesite", "grass", "dirt", "pink wool", "dead shrub"], ["diorite", "andesite", "grass", "dirt", "dead shrub"]));

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Challenge: Intermediate Algorithm Scripting - Diff Two Arrays

Link to the challenge:

Is this not your own code? The point of the challenges is to figure it out on your own, not take the solution from somewhere else

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