Intermediate Algorithm Scripting - Make a Person

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Hello my code doesn’t a display this in the console

this.setFirstName = function(name) {
fullName = name + " " + fullName.split(" ")[1];
this.setLastName = function(name) {
fullName = name;
const bob = new Person(‘Bob Ross’);
No results
// running tests
No properties should be added. Object.keys(bob).length should always return 6.
bob.getFullName() should return the string Haskell Curry after bob.setLastName(“Curry”).
bob.getFullName() should return the string Haskell Curry after bob.setFullName(“Haskell Curry”).
bob.getFirstName() should return the string Haskell after bob.setFullName(“Haskell Curry”).
bob.getLastName() should return the string Curry after bob.setFullName(“Haskell Curry”).
// tests completed
// console output
Bob Ross
Your code so far

const Person = function(firstAndLast) {
let fullName = firstAndLast;
this.getFirstName = function() {
  return fullName.split(" ")[0];
this.getLastName = function(){
  return fullName.split(" ")[1];
this.getFullName = function() {
  return fullName;
this.setFirstName = function(name) {
  fullName = name + " " + fullName.split(" ")[1];
this.setLastName = function(name) {
  fullName = name;
const bob = new Person('Bob Ross');

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Challenge: Intermediate Algorithm Scripting - Make a Person

Link to the challenge:

I only see 5 methods?

I don’t know what i should write to complete the chanllenge.

It’s okey write 2 times “get full Name” codes or should write another ?

Where is setFullName?

thank you so much for you help

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