I’m finally stumped. Been trying to wrap my head around this problem for a few days now and just can’t seem to figure it out. I also don’t want to go searching for the answer because I feel like that’s cheating. Does anyone have a hint that could point me in the right direction?
I used filters (and take a look at the optional parameters in the docs for .filter())
I just spent about 4 hours on this one - very hard!
Here’s my crazy solution:
function diffArray(arr1, arr2) {
// Find elements that arr1 & arr2 have in common:
var arr1SharedElementIndexes = [];
var arr2SharedElementIndexes = [];
for ( let i = 0, lgt = arr1.length; i < lgt; i++ ) {
for ( let j = 0, lgt = arr2.length; j < lgt; j++ ) {
if ( arr1[i] === arr2[j] ) {
// Modify arr1 & arr2 by splicing common elements found above.
// Insert zeros in lieu of spliced elements to preserve length of arrays
for ( var i = 0, lgt = arr1SharedElementIndexes.length; i < lgt; i++ ) {
arr1.splice(arr1SharedElementIndexes[i], 1, 0);
for ( let j = 0, lgt = arr2SharedElementIndexes.length; j < lgt; j++ ) {
arr2.splice(arr2SharedElementIndexes[j], 1, 0);
// Concatenate modified arrays arr1 & arr2
var singleArrayShowingOutliers = arr1.concat(arr2);
// Create a function to use for filtering out zeros
var removeZeros = (x) => Boolean(x);
return singleArrayShowingOutliers.filter(removeZeros);
// Test:
diffArray(["diorite", "andesite", "grass", "dirt", "pink wool", "dead shrub"], ["diorite", "andesite", "grass", "dirt", "dead shrub"]); // should return ['pink wool']
Does anyone have a hint that could point me in the right direction?
Let’s say I got Arr3
, which is the result of adding Arr1
and Arr2
What happens if I kept every element in Arr3
that is unique for either Arr1
or Arr2
####Some helpful Links:
Glad to hear that you did not give up,
Good luck.
That’s true, I used zeros to pass the test.
Can you suggest an alternative (using my solution - not a new solution) where I can still splice my arrays without losing index positions? Insert null perhaps, or NaN?
Thanks, I will try that later this week. I need a break from this one.
Am I missing a point on this challenge, I came up with a solution that seems much more straight-forward than what I’m seeing here and it passes all the tests, but now I fear something’s a miss.
I put my code in a codepen http://codepen.io/therichardnolan/pen/qrGqRO so as not to wrongly influence anyone here.
I’d appreciate the thoughts of anyone who has completed this challenge another way.
I always wonder if i should use temporary variables instead of just returning the answer but I really fancy as short as possible answer. I blurred the code to keep spoilers hidden:
function diffArray(arr1, arr2) { // Same, same; but different. return arr1.filter(x=> arr2.indexOf(x) == -1) .concat(arr2.filter(x=> arr1.indexOf(x) == -1)); }
It took some time to understand what i was missing before I entered the second line. Now I think it’s quite helpful to copy the test which didn’t pass and investigate its result
here are my Two workarounds
function diffArray(arr1, arr2) {
var newArr = [];
// Same, same; but different.
// the loop loops around arr1
for (let i=0;i<arr1.length;i++){
//if the condition is true I push the inexistent element to newArr
//other loop for arr2
for(let j=0;j<arr2.length;j++){
//if the condition is true I push the inexistent element to newArr
return newArr;
diffArray([1, 2, 3, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
//another approach for this challenge using filter method
function diffArray(arr1, arr2) {
var newArr = [];
// Same, same; but different.
// I am filtering arr1
let filterArr1= arr1.filter(function(item){
return arr2.indexOf(item)===-1;
// I am filtering arr2
let filterArr2=arr2.filter(function(value){
return arr1.indexOf(value)===-1;
// concat the two filtered arrays into newArr;
return newArr.concat(filterArr1,filterArr2);
diffArray([1, 2, 7, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
Not the most elegant solution but makes sense to me.
function diffArray(arr1, arr2) {
let tempArr = arr1.concat(arr2); // join to make single array
let newArr = []; //
let temp = 0;
let i = 0;
while (i < (tempArr.length)) { // going through each element...
temp = tempArr.filter(x => x == tempArr[i]); // return temp only containing tempArr[i]
if(temp.length == 1){
newArr.push(temp[0]); // push to newArr if temp only has 1 item
return newArr;
diffArray([1, "calf", 3, "piglet"], [1, "calf", 3, 4]);