ISSUE applying Fire Code Font via VSCODE

I am seeking assistance with trying to add the fire code custom font to my code to be displayed on my webpage. No matter what I am doing it doesn’t seem to be working. As can be seen in the first picture I included all the static fonts, the second picture I just used the default name and in the third I ensured the other default fonts were still there along with the fire code default name. I also tried restarting VSCode as well but it is still not showing up in the font family lists for my css class element

Hey @Sharpe123

I am a bit confused by what you are trying to do.

I see you pasted here the config file for vs code but then in your question you are mentioning css class element and webpage.

I will link an article here to how to render and use custom fonts in the browser in case this is what you are trying to do.

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Appreciate the response, well all I was really saying is that I wanted to apply a custom font to a particular element on my webpage, that element has a class selector but thanks for the link had gotten some to work.

Oh ok now I get it.

If you want to assign a font to a specific element for instance the following one:

<p class="awesome"> Hello World </p>

you can in your css target the class and specify the font of all the elements having that class by using the font-family property:

.awesome {
   font-family: "Gill Sans", sans-serif;

Where Gill Sans is the font which I want to apply and sans-serif is the fallback one in case the browser does not find the first option.

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