On the wikipedia problem I’ve hit a snag, Using fetch, the response I’m given I cannot use. At least I don’t know how.
This is only to show my issue, hence all the loops.I only did these loops to see if they allowed me something I could not get by clicking in the console.
const endpoint = 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&format=json&origin=*&titles=Albert%20Einstein'
.then(blob => blob.json())
.then((data) => {
for(var i in data){
//returns batch complete ,
//& query
for(var j in data.query){
//returns pages
for(var k in data.query.pages){
//returns the string 736
I cannot go any further than this 736. Along with the gibberish above when I open the object all I see are the object methods. How do I dig into the return data? Where the heck is it?
What am I doing wrong?