Issue with foreign key relationship?

Working in the Relation Database

So I am lost with the foreign relationship? When I try to establish the foreign key I get an error that something is not present. I get that it has something to do with the number of rows of one table compared to the other but I don’t know what I am supposed to do to fix it? For this instance:
Each “planet” should have a foreign key that references one of the rows in star. Here is my planets table.

I can’t embed anymore images but my Star table also has a “Sol” in star_id 1.
I just need some guidance please. I’m lost as to what I am doing wrong.

you need to add a star_id column and populate it first before creating the foreign key relationship, if that is what you want to create

Is there a quick way to populate that? Do I create the column and then just update it? So create a star_id column first and then
UPDATE planet SET star_id=1;

Got it to work! Thank you so much.