JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Projects - Roman Numeral Converter

Tell us what’s happening.

For some reason when I click on submit test it dose not say passed or incorrect, it just stays like it is before you hit submits. I’ve tried to submits in incognito and on a deferent web browser and I get the same result.

Your code so far

function converToRoman(num){
const numerals ={
  1 = 'I',
  4 = 'IV',
  5 = 'V',
  9 = 'IX',
  10 = 'X',
  40 = 'XL',
  50 = 'L',
  90 = 'XC',
  100 = "C",
  400 = 'CD',
  500 = 'D',
  900 = 'CM',
  1000 = 'M',
let romanizedNumerals = "";
const romanNum = object.keys (numerals).reverse();

romanNum.forEach(key => {
  while (key <= num){
    romanizedNumerals += numerals [key];
    num = key;
return romanizedNumerals;

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Challenge Information:

JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Projects - Roman Numeral Converter

Look in the console pane. You should be seeing an error telling you that the basic syntax of your code is bad.

You have a lot of issues with your code. For starters, the name of the function isn’t correct. I’d also review how to create objects. And you might want your function to execute at least one line of code :slightly_smiling_face:

Forgive me for not giving too much help here. This is a challenge for the certification so I can’t really tell you much.

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