Tell us what’s happening.
For some reason when I click on submit test it dose not say passed or incorrect, it just stays like it is before you hit submits. I’ve tried to submits in incognito and on a deferent web browser and I get the same result.
Your code so far
function converToRoman(num){
const numerals ={
1 = 'I',
4 = 'IV',
5 = 'V',
9 = 'IX',
10 = 'X',
40 = 'XL',
50 = 'L',
90 = 'XC',
100 = "C",
400 = 'CD',
500 = 'D',
900 = 'CM',
1000 = 'M',
let romanizedNumerals = "";
const romanNum = object.keys (numerals).reverse();
romanNum.forEach(key => {
while (key <= num){
romanizedNumerals += numerals [key];
num = key;
return romanizedNumerals;
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Challenge Information:
JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Projects - Roman Numeral Converter