Intended Behavior
When the user clicks a button that has an ID of either “add”, “subtract”, “multiply”, “divide”, or “surprise”, I want to return the appropriate value to the
element with the id of “bitMoreMathResult.”
The if statement syntax to say “if the button’s element id=x, do y,” is incorrect and I am stumped on what the correct syntax should be. The contents of the if statements don’t ever execute (I know this because I placed a console.log() message inside each conditional statement and the console did not return any of them); because of this, undefined
is currently returning to the p element.
What I need
I really don’t want to have 5 different functions here, 1 per button. I’d like 1 function that can execute appropriately, according to which button was clicked. I’d also like to avoid using Jquery if possible; I’m open to using a switch statement instead; I’ve considered that but hadn’t made the leap yet.
Thank you!
function bitMoreMath() {
let y = document.getElementById("bitMoreMathValue1").value;
let z = document.getElementById("bitMoreMathValue2").value;
let result;
if (document.getElementById.value=="add") {
result = +y + +z;
} else if (document.getElementById.value=="subtract") {
result = +y - +z;
} else if (document.getElementById.value=="multiply") {
result = +y * +z;
} else if (document.getElementById.value=="divide") {
result = +y / +z;
} else if (document.getElementById.value=="surprise") {
result = "Surprise!";
document.getElementById("bitMoreMathResult").innerHTML = result;
<h2>5. A Bit More Math</h2>
<p>Enter first number:</p>
<p><input type="number" id="bitMoreMathValue1" name="bitMoreMathValue1" placeholder="2"></p>
<p>Enter second number:</p>
<p><input type="number" id="bitMoreMathValue2" name="bitMoreMathValue2" placeholder="2"></p>
<button onclick="bitMoreMath()" class="rounded-pill" id="add">Add them!</button>
<button onclick="bitMoreMath()" class="rounded-pill" id="subtract">Subtract them!</button>
<button onclick="bitMoreMath()" class="rounded-pill" id="multiply">Multiply them!</button>
<button onclick="bitMoreMath()" class="rounded-pill" id="divide">Divide them!</button>
<button onclick="bitMoreMath()" class="rounded-pill" id="surprise">Surprise me!</button>
<p id="bitMoreMathResult"></p>