Javascript help - equation concatenates instead of adding

Hi, I created a random maths generator and it works for everything except when it should be adding. What am I doing wrong?

See code below:

      <h1>Let's do some randon maths! 🤪</h1>
        Select two numbers between 0-50 and then push the button below for some
        random maths.

      <input type="number" id="value1" />
      <p id="math">❓</p>
      <input type="number" id="value2" />
      <p id="total">=</p>
      <button>Random maths!</button>
      function randomMath() {
        let a = document.getElementById("value1").value;
        let b = document.getElementById("value2").value;
        let math = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);
        let calculate;
        let maths = document.getElementById("math").textContent;
        let total = document.getElementById("total").textContent;

        if (math === 0) {
          calculate = a * b;
          document.getElementById("math").innerHTML = "✖️";
          document.getElementById("total").innerHTML = `= ${calculate}`;
        } else if (math === 1) {
          calculate = a / b;
          document.getElementById("math").innerHTML = "➗";
          document.getElementById("total").innerHTML = `= ${calculate}`;
        } else if (math === 2) {
          calculate = a + b;
          document.getElementById("math").innerHTML = "➕";
          document.getElementById("total").innerHTML = `= ${calculate}`;
        } else if (math === 3) {
          calculate = a - b;
          document.getElementById("math").innerHTML = "➖";
          document.getElementById("total").innerHTML = `= ${calculate}`;
      let random = document.querySelector("button");
      random.addEventListener("click", randomMath);

Welcome there,

It sounds as though you are having an issue with JavaScript’s behind-the-scenes type conversion. You can read more about it here:
Type Conversions (

Try converting the input like this:

calculate = +a + +b;

Or (probably better)

calculate = Number(a) + Number(b);

Hope this helps

+ is string concatenation. All html input values are strings. So you are concatenating strings.

The reason it works for the other calculations is due to JS’ type coercion: in those other branches of the if statement, *, - and / all expect numbers on both sides, so JS tries to be helpful and converts the string to a number rather than erroring (which would be preferable as it would have meant you would have been able to see what the issue was).

Edit: This is not great behaviour, in fact it’s extremely confusing, but it’s something useful that you’ll need to learn – if your input values are supposed to be numbers, make sure you convert them to actual numbers to avoid weird stuff happening.

Thank you both!

The calculator works.