JavaScript. How get input values

Hi all. I have a question…
How to get all inputs values and store it in the array?

getInputValue = () => {
  let inputsArray = [];
  let inputValue = document.querySelector(".input").value;



I tried this code, but i get only the value of the first input.
I tried also querySelectorAll but than i get undefined…

Hello @AmaliaTadevosyan,

  • I cannot really understand and help you, because the code is only cut of the whole code. Can you maybe give us the HTML part of this input?
getInputValue = () => {
  let inputsArray = [];
  document.querySelectorAll(".input").forEach(item => {

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Super :+1:
This is exactly what I was looking for.

Hi. I have multiple inputs in HTML I need to get those values and sort it from lowest to highest.

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Yup, I see that you found your solution. That’s great, sorry I didn’t help you much. Anyways, Happy Coding !!:slightly_smiling_face:

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