Javascript - pokemon search App

i already do all the test, but its not complete, it’s says when search-input value is Red, alert should show with text (“Pokemon not found”),i done it in my app, please give me insight

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>Pokemon Search</title>
  <h1>Pokemon Search App</h1>
  <div class="container">
    <p>Search for Pokémon Name or ID:</p>
    <input id="search-input" required>
    <button id="search-button">Search</button>

    <div class="output">

      <div class="top-output">
        <div class="pokemon-name-id">
          <span id="pokemon-name"></span>
          <span id="pokemon-id"></span>
        <div class="pokemon-w-h">
          <span id="weight"></span>
          <span id="height"></span>
        <div id="sprite-container"></div>
        <div id="types"></div>

      <div class="bot-output">
              <td>HP: </td>
              <td id="hp"></td>
              <td>Attack: </td>
              <td id="attack"></td>
              <td>Defense: </td>
              <td id="defense"></td>
              <td>Sp. Attack: </td>
              <td id="special-attack"></td>
              <td>Sp. Defense: </td>
              <td id="special-defense"></td>
              <td>Speed: </td>
              <td id="speed"></td>


    const allDataPokemon = "";
    const input = document.getElementById('search-input');
    const searchBtn = document.getElementById('search-button');
    const pokemonName = document.getElementById('pokemon-name')
    const pokemonId = document.getElementById('pokemon-id')
    const pokemonW = document.getElementById('weight')
    const pokemonH = document.getElementById('height')
    const spriteContainer = document.getElementById('sprite-container');
    const pokemonTypes = document.getElementById('types');
    const pokemonHP = document.getElementById('hp')
    const pokemonAttack = document.getElementById('attack')
    const pokemonDefense = document.getElementById('defense')
    const pokemonSpAttack = document.getElementById('special-attack')
    const pokemonSpDefense = document.getElementById('special-defense')
    const pokemonSpeed = document.getElementById('speed')

    let data = null;

    const fetchData = async () => {
      try {
        const res = await fetch(allDataPokemon);
        data = await res.json();
        console.log(data); // Check the structure of the fetched data

        // Define the inputMatch function inside fetchData
        const inputMatch = async () => {
          const userInput = input.value.toLowerCase();
          const { results } = data;

          // Find the matching Pokemon based on ID or name
          const match = results.find(pokemon =>
   === userInput || === userInput

          if (match) {
            console.log("Match found:", match);
            const detailedData = await fetchPokemonDetails(match.url);
          } else {
            console.log("No match found");
            alert('Pokémon not found')

        // Add event listener to call inputMatch when search button is clicked
        searchBtn.addEventListener("click", inputMatch);

      } catch (err) {

    const fetchPokemonDetails = async (url) => {
      try {
        const res = await fetch(url);
        const pokemonDetails = await res.json();
        return pokemonDetails;
      } catch (err) {

    const showResultsPokemon = (pokemon) => {
      // Display the Pokemon details
      pokemonName.textContent =
      pokemonId.textContent = "#" +
      pokemonW.textContent = "Weight: " + pokemon.weight
      pokemonH.textContent = "Height: " + pokemon.height
      spriteContainer.innerHTML = `<img src="${pokemon.sprites.front_default}" alt="${} sprite" id="sprite">`
      pokemonTypes.innerHTML = `
        ${pokemon.types.length > 1 ?
        `<span>${pokemon.types[0]}</span><span>${pokemon.types[1]}</span>` :
      pokemonHP.textContent = pokemon.stats.find(stat => === 'hp').base_stat
      pokemonAttack.textContent = pokemon.stats.find(stat => === 'attack').base_stat
      pokemonDefense.textContent = pokemon.stats.find(stat => === 'defense').base_stat
      pokemonSpAttack.textContent = pokemon.stats.find(stat => === 'special-attack').base_stat
      pokemonSpDefense.textContent = pokemon.stats.find(stat => === 'special-defense').base_stat
      pokemonSpeed.textContent = pokemon.stats.find(stat => === 'speed').base_stat

    // <p>Base Experience: ${pokemon.base_experience}</p>
    // Fetch data when the script loads

Hi @youthomas29

Your code passes.
Reset the step and try again. If that doesn’t work, refresh the page, disable dark mode, disable ad blockers. Or, use another browser.
If the above steps do not work, you may need to restart the computer.

Happy coding