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Hi campers please I need help to complete JavaScript : wordBlanks. I have tried several things, but I keep getting this : ```
wordBlanks should contain all of the words assigned to the variables myNoun
myVerb ,myAdjective, and myAdverb separated by non-word characters (and any additional words in your madlib).
Thanks for your help & support .
Here’s what have tried again -
var myNoun = "dog";
var myAdjective = "big";
var myVerb = "ran";
var myAdverb = "quickly";
// Only change code below this line
var wordBlanks = "My "; // Change this line
wordBlanks + myAdjective + myNoun + myVerb + myAdverb +".";
// Only change code above this line
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User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36.
Make sure that you are doing everything in a single line as told in the instructions. i.e. declare and assign wordBlanks at the same time.
Do not alter the structure of the coding area.
// Only change code below this line
var wordBlanks = ""; // Change this line
// Only change code above this line
You should add a space between each variable as told by the instructions.
You will also need to account for spaces in your string, so that the final sentence has spaces between all the words. The result should be a complete sentence.
what you wrote now should be printing out something like “My bigdogranquicklyforthebone.”