JS Calculator: Equals Button not Working

I’ve been working on my JavaScript calculator using create-react-app and editing on my LocalHost. With lots of browsing through CodePen and Medium, I’ve now got a setup that mostly works, except that I can’t actually display results. When I press the numbers, I see them entered on the display, and when I press the Clear button, the display is cleared.

When I press Equals, however, nothing happens! Then, if I press Equals then Clear, I get an error message: “TypeError: this.setState is not a function.” I googled this error, and it seems like it pops up when you have functions in a React Component that aren’t bound to the constructor…but I do have my functions bound to the constructor (I think I do, at least).

Any brilliant ideas would be most welcome! :grin:

Here is the JS. I can give HTML/CSS as well, but I’m guessing this is a JS issue, so we’ll start there:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import update from 'immutability-helper';
import math from 'mathjs';
import './App.scss';

class Calculator extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      operations: [],
  this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
  this.calculateOperations = this.calculateOperations.bind(this);

calculateOperations() {
  let result = this.state.operations.join('')
  if (result) {
    result = math.eval(result);
    result = math.format(result, {precision: 14})
    result = String(result)
    this.setState = ({
      operations: [result]

handleClick(event) {
    const value = event.target.getAttribute('data-value')
    switch (value) {
      case "clear":
        operations: []

      case "=":

      const newOperations = update(this.state.operations, {
        $push : [value]
        operations: newOperations

  render () {
    return ( 
    <div className="container text-center">
      <div className="calculator">
        <Display data={this.state.operations} />
          <div className="row">
            <Button onClick={this.handleClick} label="1" id="one" value="1" />
            <Button onClick={this.handleClick} label="2" id="two" value="2" />
            <Button onClick={this.handleClick} label="3" id="three" value="3" />
            <Operator onClick={this.handleClick} label="+" id="add" value="+" />

          <div className="row">
            <Button onClick={this.handleClick} label="4" id="four" value="4" />
            <Button onClick={this.handleClick} label="5" id="five" value="5" />
            <Button onClick={this.handleClick} label="6" id="six" value="6" />
            <Operator onClick={this.handleClick} label="-" id="subtract" value="-" />

          <div className="row">
            <Button onClick={this.handleClick} label="7" id="seven" value="7" />
            <Button onClick={this.handleClick} label="8" id="eight" value="8" />
            <Button onClick={this.handleClick} label="9" id="nine" value="9" />
            <Operator onClick={this.handleClick} label="*" id="multiply" value="*" />

          <div className="row">  
            <Blank label="" id="" value="" />
            <Button onClick={this.handleClick} label="0" id="zero" value="0" />
            <Button onClick={this.handleClick} label="." id="decimal" value="." />
            <Operator onClick={this.handleClick} label="/" id="divide" value="/" />

          <div className="row">
            <Clear onClick={this.handleClick} label="C" id="clear" value="clear" />
            <Equals onClick={this.handleClick} label="=" id="equals" value="=" />

class Button extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div className="Button btn btn-primary col-2" onClick={this.props.onClick} data-size={this.props.size} data-value={this.props.value}>

class Blank extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div className="Blank btn btn-secondary col-2" onClick={this.props.onClick} data-size={this.props.size} data-value={this.props.value}>

class Operator extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div className="Operator btn btn-warning col-3" onClick={this.props.onClick} data-size={this.props.size} data-value={this.props.value}>

class Clear extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div className="Clear btn btn-danger col-5" onClick={this.props.onClick} data-size={this.props.size} data-value={this.props.value}>

class Equals extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div className="Equals btn btn-success col-5" onClick={this.props.onClick} data-size={this.props.size} data-value={this.props.value}>

class Buttons extends Component {
  render() {
    return <div className="Buttons"> {this.props.children} </div>

class Display extends Component {
  render() {
    const string = this.props.data.join('')
    return <div className="Display"> {string} </div>

export default Calculator;

It would be easier if you could get us a place to run your code, like codepen.

Just by looking I think you’re setting this.setState to an object instead of calling it:

this.setState = ({
  operations: [result]

Shouldn’t you be doing this:

  operations: [result]

Yes, that this.setState line was the issue. It works now!

Btw, I tried uploading a CodePen of this project, just in case you wanted to see it…but nothing is showing up on the screen. I’m guessing it has to do with how the React library is imported (or, as it seems here, not imported) into a different environment. Anyway, here’s the link, if you want to see any of the other code: