Just a conversational thread about JavaScript

You have to be careful with tutorials. It is very easy to duplicate the tutorial without being able to make something similar from scratch without referencing the tutorial and only using documentation.

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This website is amazing at finding JS errors and possible errors.

VScode has a powerful debugger too


Thank you! I downloaded VSCode a few months ago.

Unfortunately, I was trying to learn js and github while dating my first boyfriend. It got highly stressful and I fell back into having old depression and anxiety attacks to the point that I even forgot how to breath at times.

I just broke up with my boyfriend and was going to continue with JS, but my firefox crashed and the tab closed on me and I forgot my password to github. So I’m taking a small break with js and github to gain back my mental health.

I am thinking of learning dance, taekwondo, karate and self-defense to help me relax. I am also just spitting out CSS projects like crazy since it’s a great stress reliever for me.

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I totally understand. I believe that coding can be a stress reliever too sometimes.

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