I’m specifically looking for something that would give a site a premium feel, not just a simple scroll reveal.
I’m sure you’d recognise the style. It can be summarised with one word: subtle. Usually with slow parallax and zoom effects, and some mouse tracking. For example, this site has the right idea, though maybe it’s a bit too much: Home Société
What’s one tutorial that you really liked on this subject - free or paid? (I have some familiarity with gsap. I’d like to stay away from canvas for now.)
I know how to do these effects individually (with gsap), but what I don’t know is how to best structure the project. How to monitor if the element is on screen and/or best practices for handling the listeners to minimise resource load (by throttling, by destroying listeners, etc). Scroll smoothing approaches. Basically I’m looking for a deeper understanding, rather than just a “how to make this exact hover effect”.