L am stuck on step 46

   <input id="indoor" type="radio"> indoor
    <input id="outdoor" type="radio"> outdoor

The instruction:
Nest another radio button with the option Outdoor in a new label element. The new radio button should be placed after the first one. Also, set its id attribute value to:
I wrote above code but still incorrect. Please i need help.

Hint: The challenge is case sensitive

las mayusculas o minusculas no son el problema, acabo de probar… El error que marca es el siguiente:
“nuestro nuevo botón de radio y la etiqueta asociada deben estar debajo del primero. Los tienes en el orden equivocado”
Lo tengo ordenado igual que en la consulta

still not working. Thanks for your suggestion.
I am still trying to figure out the error.

The indoor label should also have its first letter capitalized like that of outdoor.

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